
Review of 'The Flower of Evil' Volume 4

(In Korean: 악의 꽃)


Continuing on Seh-wa’s new friendship with Sung-chan (who I found out is rlly cauled Sung-joon/성준), volume 4 starts off with them going over to Sung-chan’s house at night. Sung-chan’s uncle is quiet taken aback by the sight of Seh-wa (not because she’s pretty, or maybe so -_- ) because having just the girl over by herself late at night is strictly contrary to Confucian morals (and pretty much every other ethical standards). Seh-wa actually wants a sleep-over (she’s ridiculously daring in a cute way, like Danbi in Love SOS), but I’m not sure to what extent Seh-wa is expecting that she’d be able to do that.

Fortunately or unfortunately (it'd have been more interesting), she leaves the house when she finds photos of her & her brother in one of Sung-chan's collections. Seh-wa goes home on a taxi, only to get a call from Sung-chan that he's waiting outside the her house. He waits there until the next morning & follows Seh-wa to school & on the way he tries to explain that he has taken pics of her & her brother b/c he simply likes them a lot. How she responds is funny:

On her way back to school, Seh-wa is attacked by a group of girls for being liked by Sung-chan. They leave her having cut her hair & her fingers up with a knife (she doesn't lose her fingers though, but still it's a sight). Seh-wa calls Sung-chan for help, and when he finds her sitting in the alley, he tries to take her to a hospital, but interestingly she begs him to take her to a hair salon first. Of course, Sung-chan takes her to the hospital before the hair salon. The chapter (13) ends with a really interesting scene that I won't spoil in this review.

After accompanying Seh-wa home, Sung-chan meets his previous girlfriend, Choi (or Chwae) Soo-jin b/c he suspects that she is mainly responsible for the cruelty. When she admits having hurt Seh-wa, Sung-chan basically threatens Soo=jin so she won't go near Seh-wa again. Personally, I don't think Sung-chan sounds threatening enough even for a girl, but Soo-jin does get really scared as willed by the manhwaga (i.e. manhwa artist).

Chapter 14 ends w/ Sung-chan getting rlly frustrated while conversing with Seh-wa about what she says at end of Chapter 13. He goes to a PC cafe (i.e. PC bang, "a" as in "bah") & plays a computer game that might be starcraft.
  • Visual quality: 10/11
  • General plot: 8/10
  • Comedy elements: 3/4
  • Action elements: 2.5/3
  • Romance elements: 3/4
  • Mystery elements: 1/1
  • Sophistication: 5/6
  • Realness: 5/6
Overall: (8.3/10)

My favorite anime wallpapers

3 Laws of anime wallpapers:

1) Most anime wallpapers r crappy.
2) Finding good wallpapers is time consuming.
3) The ones said to be the best (i.e. animepaper.net's featured gallery) r not necessarily great:

***Actually, I'm finding rlly good wallpapers more easily now... I couldn't find them before, so they must be recent submissions. There might not even be a need for this list then...
  1. Big sisters
  2. Drifting Thoughts
  3. Enchanted Forest
  4. e.s.c.a.p.i.n.g.
  5. .Fantasy.
  6. .Find the way.
  7. Gale on the Flare
  8. Harry Frazee And No No Nanette Cause Trash Can Love
  9. I'm Off
  10. Kiru ga suki
  11. Living the Dream
  12. Nature Knows Best
  13. Nature's Dance
  14. ~Nightmare?~
  15. Queen Bee
  16. Strange concoction xD
  17. The Hidden Poker Game
  18. Walk with me
  19. Women of Screen
  20. Angel Down XI: Sunshine of Our Day - Aria
  21. Under the Blue Sky - Aria
  22. Welcome to Neo-Venezia - Aria
  23. akizuki - Bakumatsu Kikansetsu Irohanihoheto
  24. Everything is... - BLEACH
  25. Green Stripes - BLEACH
  26. A Snowy Delay - Byousoku 5 Centimeter
  27. Just a Memory - Byousoku 5 Centimeter
  28. Cowboy Bebop: freelance - Cowboy Bebop
  29. Cowboy Bebop: Vitamin C - Cowboy Bebop
  30. Cowgirls n' Cowboys - Cowboy Bebop
  31. Halloween- Ed - Cowboy Bebop
  32. The Most Beautiful Butterflies - Cowboy Bebop
  33. Tomboy in Space - Cowboy Bebop
  34. Spike in The Marketplace - Cowboy Bebop
  35. ::Swordfish II:: - Cowboy Bebop
  36. Beyond Birthday x L - Death Note
  37. Death Note / Light & L - Death Note
  38. Death Songs - Death Note
  39. The God of the Old World - Death Note
  40. Hearth's Filthy Lesson - Death Note
  41. In Nomine Kira - Death Note
  42. La poupee en porcelaine - Death Note
  43. Most Wanted Criminals - Death Note
  44. Precision Timing - Death Note
  45. Roses of Fire - Death Note
  46. What's it like in hell? - Death Note
  47. Yagami Light - Death Note
  48. ~Let's Disappear in a Dream~ - Eureka seveN
  49. i love illya-chan in orange - Fate Stay Night
  50. Hakani Yume - Fate Stay Night
  51. I finally found you - Fruits Basket
  52. Let me be with you - Fruits Basket
  53. Memories of a Lifetime - Fruits Basket
  54. once upon a time...dirty laundry happened - Fruits Basket
  55. Bloody Flora Brothers - Full Metal Alchemist
  56. Here Without You... - Full Metal Alchemist
  57. The Journey Continues - Full Metal Alchemist
  58. Lost Heaven - Full Metal Alchemist
  59. Old Memories - Full Metal Alchemist
  60. Orange scene - Full Metal Alchemist
  61. Truth - Full Metal Alchemist
  62. Moving in the sunset - Howl's Moving Castle
  63. Beautiful Discord - Kino No Tabi
  64. Being Desperate - Kino No Tabi
  65. The distance - Kino No Tabi
  66. A journey is a collection of stories - Kino No Tabi
  67. Hanging - Kino No Tabi
  68. In Your Memory - Kino No Tabi
  69. Kino No Tabi: A New Day - Kino No Tabi
  70. Mattress Underwent - Kino No Tabi
  71. Melody of Love - Kino No Tabi
  72. Mixed Signals - Kino No Tabi
  73. Momentum - Kino No Tabi
  74. Orange Explosion - Kino No Tabi
  75. Saturday Afternoon - Kino No Tabi
  76. The Unholy Song - Kino No Tabi
  77. The World - Kino No Tabi
  78. Battle in the Clouds - Macross Zero
  79. Aliens love lemon - Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi
  80. Even Gods need to play - Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi
  81. First Snowfall of the year - Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi
  82. Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi: Pinku? - Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi
  83. Running over stars! Kyon being dragged into Haruhi's universe! - Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi
  84. SOS Brigade - Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi
  85. SOS Brigade goes to the library - Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi
  86. The Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi - Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi
  87. .:The Grunge Prince:. - Naruto
  88. After Impact - Neon Genesis Evangelion
  89. Euphoria - Neon Genesis Evangelion
  90. First & Second - Neon Genesis Evangelion
  91. Nani? - Neon Genesis Evangelion
  92. Rei - Neon Genesis Evangelion
  93. Unit o2 v2 - Neon Genesis Evangelion
  94. ~Without You~ - Saikano
  95. Deep Submerge - Sailor Moon
  96. Sailor Venus: flowers - Sailor Moon
  97. Goku - Past Doesn't Lie - Saiyuki
  98. ~The Red Grass~ - Sakura Wars
  99. Got Manjuu? Reprise - Samurai Champloo
  100. Some live some die - Samurai Champloo
  101. The Sons of a Battle Cry - Samurai Champloo
  102. Catch Me, I'm Falling - Saya No Uta
  103. Eternal Grace - Saya No Uta
  104. Possession - Saya No Uta
  105. The Spell - Saya No Uta
  106. This is Music: 4:10-5 - Saya No Uta
  107. To Relinquish - Saya No Uta
  108. Aquarium - Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei
  109. When the wind lifts up the skirts - School Days
  110. Autumn Colours - School Rumble
  111. By myself... - Serial Experiments Lain
  112. Phases in Time - Serial Experiments Lain
  113. Do you want Mawari to teach you the rules of society? - Seto no Hanayome
  114. Shana in Serenity - Shakugan no Shana
  115. Wirhelmina - Shakugan no Shana
  116. Winter - Shakugan no Shana
  117. Elemental Infection - Shingetsutan Tsukihime
  118. Horo - Spice and Wolf
  119. Fog of War - Steel Battalion
  120. As I held to you - Sumi Keiichi
  121. Blue Threads - Sumi Keiichi
  122. Black Magic - Sumi Keiichi
  123. Dearly Beloved - Sumi Keiichi
  124. My World Has Changed - Sumi Keiichi
  125. The only one we treasured - Sumi Keiichi
  126. .:TEH CONQUEROR!!!11:. - Sumi Keiichi
  127. Takamichi: Under the Sakura - Takamichi
  128. Spinning Legends - Tales of Legendia
  129. What Exactly Is Pink? - Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagan
  130. Supermassive Black hole? - Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagan
  131. YOKO - Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagan
  132. A Perilous Journey - The Legend of Zelda
  133. Hunting Season?!?! - Tinkerbell
  134. Freestyle - To Heart
  135. Kimochi - To Heart
  136. Topless Modeling Session with Sasara?! - To Heart
  137. My World - Touka Gettan
  138. Starscream - Hot Pursuit - Transformers
  139. 6,470,818,671 - Tsubasa Chronicle
  140. Abstract Poetry - Tsubasa Chronicle
  141. All You Need Is Time - Tsubasa Chronicle
  142. aN eTeRnAl DrEaMeR - Tsubasa Chronicle
  143. A Vampire's Lament - Tsubasa Chronicle
  144. Brown Sakura - Tsubasa Chronicle
  145. Colors of the wind - Tsubasa Chronicle
  146. Dragon Horse - Tsubasa Chronicle
  147. Faded Memories - Tsubasa Chronicle
  148. In Love - Tsubasa Chronicle
  149. Instant of Love - Tsubasa Chronicle
  150. :: protecting princess :: - Tsubasa Chronicle
  151. Perfect Picture - Tsubasa Chronicle
  152. Sakura + Mokona - Tsubasa Chronicle
  153. Scrapbook - Tsubasa Chronicle
  154. Syaoran & Sakura - Tsubasa Chronicle
  155. Take Flight - Tsubasa Chronicle
  156. The Line That Keeps Us Apart - Tsubasa Chronicle
  157. Winter Lovers - Tsubasa Chronicle
  158. The Last Breath - Wolfs Rain
  159. An Ethereal World - Touhou
  160. A Never Ending Dream of You - Touhou
  161. Emotional Sunset - Touhou
  162. L'enchanteuse - Touhou
  163. Shining Angel - Touhou
  164. Sunset Time III - Touhou
  165. True Tears Fall - True Tears
  166. Secret whispers; Yuuki & Kaname - Vampire Knight
  167. Fading away [ Smoke ] - Wagaya no oinarisama
  168. Butterflies Instead - War of Genesis
  169. Kiss In The Wring - Wiz Anniversary
  170. Choice - X-1999
  171. Drowning in your dream - X-1999
  172. Morbidity - X-1999
  173. X | My Fate In Their Hands y - X-1999
  174. Unfortunate Decay - X-1999
  175. also sprach zarthustra - Xenosaga
  176. Chaos - Xenosaga
  177. Clash of the Behemoths - Xenosaga
  178. .:K.O.S.M.O.S:. - Xenosaga
  179. Xeno.Emission ID - Xenosaga
  180. Xenosaga - Xenosaga
  181. Butterfly - xxxHOLiC
  182. Happy new year - xxxHOLiC
  183. Himawari - xxxHOLiC
  184. The Lady is a Tramp - xxxHOLiC
  185. My Sanctuary - xxxHOLiC
  186. Rock the World - xxxHOLiC
  187. rip her to shreds - xxxHOLiC
  188. Seduction - xxxHOLiC
  189. .:Un Jour Ordinaire:. - xxxHOLiC
  190. Yuuko - xxxHOLiC
  191. And To The Galaxies Far, Far Away - Yotsubato
  192. Yotsubato: The Cat Days of Summer - Yotsubato
  193. The Last One Standing - Zone of the Enders

1st manhwa artist

(source: Janimes)
Yi Do-yeong (이도영) (1884-1933) "[expressed]... his ideas in... form of manhwa through ... [a] popular daily newspaper [(Dehanminbo, 대한민보)]... [in] 1909." He was mostly known for opposing Japan's colonization of Korea through his works.
I know there are some very bizarre myths out there about pretty much anything (i.e. Kiss My Kimchi!: Coreans are Caucasians???). Well, ppl, if u were assuming manhwa came from Japanese manga, now u know it didnt!

Watch more Tagstory videos on AOL Video


Kiss My Kimchi!: SICAF!

Kiss My Kimchi!: SICAF!

This was like... 2008/05/30

Seoul International Cartoon Animation Festival

Youtube - the birth of doggy poo

Doggy Poo, the greatest that ever was. Very funny. It's a stop motion Korean animation.

Brian in Jeollanam-do: "You are a doggy poo."
Koreans are obsessed with poop and rear ends, everyone knows that. Give ten of your students a wad of clay and eleven of them will make an poop swirley cone. Not sure why you'd go around giving out clay, but whatever, poop is in the news again after a local newspaper broke it down by nationality, and created a nice illustration to show which people poop the most.

Youtube - (Korean Anime) 2009 NEW DOOLY OP

I found this youtube link here. The comments there were quite positive.

The opening song is okay. I think it sounds a bit like JPop/Anime-ish. I remember watching Dooly when I was little. It'd be on TV every Korean New Year (Seollal). There was also an English learning video set for kids that I remember watching in my friend's apartment. I really enjoyed it all. I worry that the producers will milk it & ruin it b/c they usualy do to major titles (i.e. Neon Genesis Evangelion, Pokemon, Digimon, etc.).

Counter Strike Source spray

This is a spray I made for Counter Strike: Source. : ) I hope to make a wallpaper as something similar. The scene's from Goong.

This is my forum signature.
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